Ministry Action Teams (MATs)

 The Ministry Action Teams (MATs) in our church meet monthly to consider and plan ministry events in the life of our congregation. Every member is invited and encouraged to have a voice in the programming and activities of Central by choosing one of these teams on which to serve,

The following is a brief description of the purpose of each MAT to assist you in considering which MAT you would like to work with. If you need additional information, or know where you would like to serve, please contact one of the members listed on the team.

COMMUNITY SERVICE - Develop ideas, plan, and coordinate ministries to the local communities; coordinate volunteer ministry service. Individuals to contact for Community Service are:

Mandy Story -
Liz Yonkey -
Bob Kamstra

EDUCATION - Plan, promote, and conduct all aspects of Christian Education for children, youth, adults, including Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and Wee Worship. Individuals to contact for Education are:

John Story -
Erica Yonkey -
Nancy Adams

EVANGELISM - Actively invite newcomers to Christ and to the church, through the Howdy Ministry and special evangelism projects. Individuals to contact for Evangelism are:

Charlie Campbell -
Elisa Garcia
Debbie Criminger -

FELLOWSHIP - Plan, advertise, and seek participation in special events to promote Christian fellowship. Events include luncheons, dinners, and coffees. Individuals to contact for Fellowship are:

Gail Burke
David Yonkey -

MEMBERSHIP - Develop plans and encourage participation in programs and projects to increase member participation at worship and other church functions; contact new members, assist in revitalizing inactive members. Individuals to contact for Membership are:

Terry Misenheimer -
Loretta Yim

PROPERTY - Maintain property equipment, and recommend building maintenance. Individuals to contact for Property are:

Dave Miller
Bob Kamstra

STEWARDSHIP - Conduct stewardship education programs, coordinate annual stewardship emphasis, develop an annual budget, monitor expenditures. Individuals to contact for Stewardship are:

David Holland
Bob Gordon 

WORSHIP - Develop the highest quality worship experiences, including baptisms, special communion services, congregational music and volunteer ushers and greeters. Individuals to contact for Worship are:

Wayne Fogle -
Nancy Gossett -
Michael Adams

WORLD OUTREACH - Plan and encourage participation in foreign mission activities and projects, and to promote and publicize special offerings for missions. Individuals to contact for World Outreach are:

Mark Spangler -
Terry Misenheimer -